Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dec 14th Day 1 to Digging Deep Within to Find the Treasure of me

Today is the day I lazer focus on what is truly important to me and SCULPT my life of my Dreams.  It is the daily simple things repeated over time that takes me to the finish line on time.  I am a runner and an athelete and I train consistanly like one.  My true passions and Purpose come to me when I follow my bliss and gut callings.  I am blessed to have some free time the next few weeks to get on the right side of the tracks and get my momentum going and let it take me to the mountain tops and stars and beyond.  I never though of myself as a writter before but know deep down that I am and going to stretch myself and dig deep within to find the gold that is within. When things are done daily amazing things will occur.


  1. #1. – Proper nutrition, Resistance Training, Moderate Aerobic Exercise vs. Crunches

    You need to understand that your body is a machine that requires good fuel to operate efficiently, a sufficient amount of resistance training and moderate aerobic exercise .

    #2. – Focus on training your entire body
    If you use all the muscles in your body during your workouts, there’s a better chance of your metabolism increasing. That means your body will be burning fat at a more rapid pace. It also means that your abs will begin appearing much quicker. So stop the “body part” workouts and give yourself a whole new look.

    #3. – Use all six ab muscles
    So many people strive for awesome abs but only focus on one or two of the abdominal muscles. The abs are broken up into six parts. All six rectus_abdominisparts need to be utilized fully every time. You have the Rectus Abdominis which runs from the bottom of the breast bone to the top of the pubic bone. This muscle is responsible for flexing the spine. Then you have the Transverse Abdominis which runs from the sides to the front of the body and lies horizontally beneath the rib cage. Its main role is to stabilize the trunk. Below that are the four oblique muscles. You have the Internal Obliques and the External Obliques. Each of those four operate together to allow the trunk to twist.

    #4. – Understand that your legs aren’t part of your ab exercise
    A good rule of thumb is if you’re doing any type of crunching exercise and you are feeling it in the front of your thighs and hips…STOP! That’s a sure sign that you are cheating. This assistance from these muscles indicate that you aren’t really working your abs as efficiently as you should. So, next time try you’re lying on the floor, keeping your knees bent. Also, treat your abs just like any other muscle. They are not meant to be focused on every single exercise session. Give them time to rest, recover and grow.

    #5. – Train to stand up straight
    Your posture plays a very important role in having your abs “pop out”. So you not only need to focus on the shoulders and the lower back when you exercise, you need to pay attention to how you sit in a chair too. By strengthening these muscles you’ll prevent your body from collapsing in on itself.

    #6. – Learn to be flexible
    After a hard workout, you’re not done until you stretch. This goes hand-in-hand with training your postural muscles. Flexibility increases your range of motion and assists with helping you elongate the body. Incorporate stretching after every workout.

    If you follow these guidelines, the look of a lean midsection will be a reality in no time.

  2. Shell, good comments. Good presentation. I will learn from you. Thanks, Michael
